Monday, December 3, 2007 |
The Best Way To Remember Your Dreams |
One of the best ways to remember your dreams, and learn how to have lucid dreams, is to keep a dream journal. A dream journal is nothing more that a personal collection of your dreams. Most successful lucid dreamers that I know would have never became lucid without their dream journal. Not only does writing your dreams down help you remember your dreams, but it also gives you an opportunity to go back and analyze your dreams for similarities.
As soon as you wake up from a dream, make it a point to write in your journal. If you wake up in the middle of the night, take about 5 minutes away from going back to sleep, and write down what you remember. The reason that this is so important is because most of the time, within 20 minutes or so, you will not remember most of your dream. If you were to try to wait until you woke up later, there is a very little chance that you will remember any of your dream.
The entries do not have to be long. They don't even have to make much sense. The goal is to get everything that you can remember down on the paper. By doing this, you can go back at a later time, read through it, and see if you remember any more.
It is also a good idea to come up with a title for each entry. Later on, when your journal begins to fill up, you may want to flip through your journal to look for a specific dream. If the dream is titled, it will be much easier to find the specific dream that you are looking for.
Since this journal is supposed to be something special, make it look special to you! If you buy a notebook, dress the notebook up! Put some of your favorite colors on it, or put a picture of something special to you on the cover. I would recommend putting a picture of a beautiful place on the cover. I put a picture of the Smokey Mountains on the cover of my journal, and it has helped me start my dreams flying through the mountains! Those dreams are completely amazing!
If you would rather keep your journal on your computer, I have listed a couple FREE pieces of software that you can use as a dream journal.
- Liquid Dream
This is my favorite piece of software for keeping a record of my dreams. This software will help you find common themes, recognize similar characters, and even notice objects that have appeared in multiple dreams! It is perfect for both keeping and analyzing dreams. Best of all, its free, with no limitations!
- MB Free Dream Interpretation Software
This is a lot like Liquid Dream, but not as good in my opinion. Give Liquid Dream a try, and if you don't like it, then try this software out. This journal will also help you analyze your dreams.
Remember, your dream journal is special. It is your secret thoughts that occur only in your mind while sleeping! Take some pride in writing it, and lucid dreaming will come much easier to you! Until next time, happy dreaming!
posted by Jason Stepp @ 11:36 AM  |
Sunday, December 2, 2007 |
Why Learn How To Have Lucid Dreams? |
If you can learn how to have lucid dreams, you will discover a whole new world inside of your mind. A lucid dream is nothing more than a dream where you realize that you are dreaming. When you become aware that you are inside of your own dream world, the possibilities are endless!
Becoming lucid in a dream is a wonderful feeling. The first time that I realized that I was dreaming, my whole body began to tingle with excitement! It was amazing how clear and real the dream became, almost instantly! The colors were so bright, the sounds were so crisp, and I could even smell the fresh air as the wind blew in my face!
My quest to learn how to have lucid dreams was a very interesting journey. When I first found out about the whole idea, I was very skeptical! I didn't think that it was possible to control my dreams! I figured that if it was possible, more people would be doing it! I continued to do research on the topic, and found information about a man named Doctor Stephen Laberge.
"Stephen LaBerge is a psycho physiologist and a leader in the scientific study of lucid dreaming. He began researching lucid dreaming for his Ph.D at Stanford University. He developed techniques to enable himself and other researchers to enter a lucid dream state at will, most notably the MILD technique (mnemonic induction of lucid dreams), which was necessary for many forms of dream experimentation.In 1987 he founded The Lucidity Institute, an organization that promotes research into lucid dreaming, as well as running courses for the general public on how to achieve lucid dreaming." source:
Personally, I am a believer in science. Stephan LaBerge is a doctor, who has done an extensive amount of research on Lucid dreaming. He has provided a lot of evidence confirming the possibility to have lucid dreams. The information that I read on his web site made my interest in this topic grow!
If learning how to control your dreams spark's some interest in your mind, I highly suggest that you check out his web site, The Lucidity Institute. Read all of the great articles that he has written for his site, and even sign up for the mailing list. He even runs a workshop in Hawaii that will walk you through everything that you need to become lucid in your dreams!
I also recommend checking out his book called Lucid Dreaming: A Concise Guide to Awakening in Your Dreams and in Your Life . This is the one and only book that I bought on lucid dreaming. There is so much useful information inside of this book, and it also comes with a CD that will help to induce lucid dreams.
So, back to the question... Why learn how to have lucid dreams? Besides the wonderful feeling that you get inside of a dream that you control, it will also prevent you from wasting one-third of your life! The average person sleeps about eight hours per day! This is eight hours that would otherwise never be enjoyed without the ability to dream lucid!
posted by Jason Stepp @ 5:41 PM  |
Saturday, December 1, 2007 |
Prepare For A Wonderful Journey |
Once you learn how to have lucid dreams, your mind will be open to a whole new world. Imagine having the ability to be conscious while dreaming, and control every aspect of the dream! It is an amazing feeling!
In a lucid dream, anything is possible. In your dream world, you will be able to walk through walls, talk to lost loved ones, and even fly! I'm sure that we have all wished we could fly at least once in our lifetimes!
Before I go any further, I must explain that lucid dreaming can not be done in one night! It took me weeks (maybe a few months), before I had my first conscious lucid dream. Sometimes, you may want to give up, because you feel that you are not getting any closer. Your mind is much more powerful than you think. If you feel that you are not getting closer, your mind will subconsciously give up! So, just hang in there, and let your mind do the work, at its own pace! Trust me, something this great is worth waiting for!
As you can see, this is the first post on this blog. Currently, I am putting together all of the information that I will be providing you with. In the future, you can expect to have access to my private dream journals (which are sometimes beyond strange), access to a ton on resources to help you on your quest, and just about anything else that I come across that will help you learn how to have lucid dreams! |
posted by Jason Stepp @ 1:39 PM  |